A positive work environment boosts well-being and adaptability.

Listen. Feel. Act with good intention.

Better mood. Higher drive.

Listen. Feel. Act with good intention.

We train your work community to recognize and understand emotions and communicate better. Research confirms that this improves working atmosphere, motivation and commitment, enabling you to increase productivity.

A trusting work environment helps resolve conflicts.

We train your work community to build an accepting atmosphere where conflicts are handled constructively and employees understand each other better.

A positive work environment draws people in.

We help people in reaching their full potential and finding fulfillment in their work.

We give the work community the tools to interact skillfully.

A positive work environment serves as a competitive advantage, boosting productivity, results, and customer satisfaction.

How your organization benefits from our training:


An open and trusting working atmosphere will boost people’s capacity to innovate.


Increased well-being at work reduces mental health-related sick leave.


A strong commitment from the work community increases the organization’s resilience to change.

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Ira ja Jarkko

Ira and Jarkko

Emotional skills trainers

Get in touch with us when you want to find solutions for building a positive atmosphere in your workplace.

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Meet your trainers

Jarkko Rantanen

Jarkko Rantanen

Emotional Skills Trainer, MSc (Psyc)

Jarkko is a psychologist specialized in developing interpersonal skills, an author, and an a well-regarded trainer. Jarkko has worked persistently in the field of emotional intelligence in the workplace and has written several books on emotions in the workplace.

Ira Leppänen

Ira Leppänen

Emotional Skills Trainer, MSc (Econ)

Ira is an experienced developer of work cultures and leadership skills, an inspiring keynote speaker, and a well-regarded trainer. Ira has extensive experience in leadership and leading change. Her mission is to improve work-life for individuals and organizations by seamlessly integrating well-being and high performance.

Ellariina Rautio

Ellariina Rautio

Emotional Skills Trainer, MSc (Phil)

Ellariina is an expert in communication and emotional skills trainer. Ellariina has a broad range of communication and teaching abilities, as well as a strong passion for developing interpersonal skills within work communities. Her strength lies in creating inclusive and trustworthy atmospheres.

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