What is a good emotional climate and what does it mean?

The emotional climate in a workplace has become one of today’s popular topics and it is also one of our main topics for our emotional skills trainings. But what is really meant by a good emotional climate?

Normally when we ask what kind of emotional climate our clients aim for, we get a lot of positive descriptions such as they would like to increase the excitement, joy, pride, satisfaction, gratitude and fun. Very rarely they bring out the more negative emotions. And this, of course, is very understandable. We do not mean that the negative emotions are something to strive for but it is important to keep in mind that all the emotions are very important and by being more aware of all emotions in general, the awareness of the more negative emotions will also increase.

A successful emotional climate is diverse and rich

The emotional climate that nourishes success is not just a positive one. A successful emotional climate must also include the less ’wanted’ emotions such as frustration, disappointment, anxiety and the feeling of insufficiency.

Let’s take a moment and think about any top athlete. She must be ready to feel the pain, to suffer and most likely to fail in order to reach her goals. And the same applies to any other top professionals: the success does not come without any struggle or setback. For that reason, the core of the successful emotional climate is not just defining the ideal emotional climate or goal but finding the deeper meaning for all of this.

The significance of the emotional climate at work

It is very important to ask the following question when building the successful emotional climate – what inspires us so much that we are ready to work for it and even suffer for it in order to succeed?

Here are a few facts in a nutshell about building the emotional climate:

  1. You cannot force the emotional climate. The emotional climate that nourishes success can be born under unseen circumstances.
  2. The fuel of the emotional climate is the emotional energy it holds; the deep internal feeling and experience of what is important, what is the focus and what makes things meaningful. Thus we are prepared to tolerate even the emotions that are often classified as negative.
  3. The emotional climate is born within the individuals but it gets stronger with interaction among the others that are also committed and internally motivated.
  4. The successful emotional climate can be born naturally.

In our blog we will tell you about the difference between the emotional climate and the organizational culture together with the atmosphere at work.


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