
Inspiring keynote speeches

We organize inspiring and impactful lectures and keynote speeches about emotional skills and how to use them in work-life.

Our purpose is to add understanding and knowledge on what it is to be a human in a workplace and how to release the potential of individuals and work communities.

We bring a scientific view to emotional skills and offer concrete tools for change management, motivation, inspiring leadership and giving feedback.

Like our customers tell you, you can achieve real and tangible change and concrete results with emotional skills.

Our speakers:

Ira Leppänen

Ira Leppänen is an experienced operational culture and management skills trainer, an inspirational speaker and a well-liked coach.

She strongly believes that success in a changing working life requires the ability to understand the person behind the work role – interaction and emotional skills are the key to success here.

She is passionate about developing the prerequisites for the success of work communities, teams and individuals and has helped numerous clients with excellent results.

Examples of topics:

  • Managing hybrid work
  • People-oriented leadership – productivity and well-being through emotional skills
  • How to create successful and fulfilling emotional climate
  • Multinational and cross-cultural teamwork
  • Change management
  • Building resilience
  • Future working life skills
  • Emotional skills and personality
  • Feelings and emotional skills in change management

Jarkko Rantanen

Jarkko Rantanen is known especially for utilizing information about emotions in working life. He has developed programs for the development of emotional skills that work for working life, participated in research projects on the subject and coached numerous companies towards a better and more successful emotional climate.

Jarkko is one of Finland’s leading speakers on the topics: Emotions at the workplace and developing the working atmosphere

Examples of topics:

  • Emotions in working life
  • The supervisor as the leader of the emotional climate
  • The Anatomy of Enthusiasm
  • Emotional skills and psychological safety
  • Effectiveness in communicating through emotional skills

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