

Keynote speeches on emotional skills

Work community training

Is your workplace in need of a boost?

Are enthusiasm and joy lacking?

Looking for inspiration for a team day?

The work community gains new perspectives on strengthening cohesion.

People are inspired by utilizing emotional skills to build a positive work atmosphere.

The work community learns how a positive work atmosphere affects performance.

  • For whom: work communities, management, supervisors
  • Duration: 1–2 hours
  • Language: Finnish / English
  • Method: on-site or remotely
  • Price: starting from 2 950 €

Inspirational speeches, passionate speakers

Our passionate keynote speakers give popular talks on self-leadership, building trust and a sense of belonging among other themes from topical perspectives. These inspirational speeches reveal how emotional and workplace skills create new understanding for the entire work community. Choose from our ready-made options or let’s customize a theme that’s just right for your organization. The speeches are suitable for work communities of all sizes and across various sectors.

Individuals and companies grow through teamwork. It transforms the work community

Ellariina Rautio

Emotional skills trainer

Impactful speeches

The speech is planned together with the client and includes the following elements:


Keynote speech

Training materials


Understand the Power of Emotions at Work

Work Community Training

The content:

  • What are emotional skills and why are they important – also at work?
  • Recognize the power of emotions – how to thrive at work?
  • What makes a good emotional climate that boosts resilience and success?
  • How to awaken authentic joy and happiness?

Emotional Skills and Successful Change Management

Leadership Training

The content:

  • Emotions and strategy – what and why? The latest research on the role of emotions in successful strategy implementation
  • Emotional energy and commitment to change - understanding human behavior in change
  • Concrete ways to lead an emotional climate that strengthens commitment in the midst of changes

Leading Emotions in the Workplace

Leadership Training

The content:

  • Why is it worth managing the workplace emotional climate?
  • Using the workplace emotional climate as a key success factor - something no competitor can copy!
  • The link between a thriving emotional climate and well-being and productivity
  • Concrete methods for leading emotions at work

The Formula for a High-Performing Team: Strengthening Trust and Psychological Safety

For the work community or management

The content:

  • What is trust and why is it important at work?
  • The four elements of a high-performing team - how to build psychological safety in workplace encounters?
  • Concrete examples of how trust and inclusivity can be strengthened in everyday life - by everyone

A Brain-Friendly Workday

For the work community or management

The content:

  • Emotions and performance: emotional climate at work – what is it made of and how does it affect you?
  • Stress and distortional thinking – how does my thinking worsen or improve my state of well-being?
  • Key elements of building sustainable resilience – how do you implement the elements in your daily life?

Empathy for People – Assertive with Facts; Learn to Give Feedback That Works

Leadership Training

The content:

  • Effective feedback - why does the quality of encounters matter?
  • Preparing the right way: Five perspectives on challenging conversations
  • Influence, accountability, and empowerment - the model for successful feedback
  • Constructive feedback requires appreciation - two ways to build an appreciative culture where people want to strive towards common goals

Emotional Intelligence and Leading Self

For the work community or management

The content:

  • Emotional intelligence and impactful self-leadership – what and why?
  • The most important question for assessing your own well-being
  • Building resilience with three types of recovery
  • Concrete ways to support your own endurance and recovery

Meet your trainers

Jarkko Rantanen

Jarkko Rantanen

Emotional Skills Trainer, MSc (Psych)

Jarkko is a psychologist specialized in developing interpersonal skills, an author, and an a well-regarded trainer. Jarkko has worked persistently in the field of emotional intelligence in the workplace and has written several books on emotions in the workplace.

Ira Leppänen

Ira Leppänen

Emotional Skills Trainer, MSc (Econ)

Ira is an experienced developer of work cultures and leadership skills, an inspiring keynote speaker, and a well-regarded trainer. Ira has extensive experience in leadership and leading change. Her mission is to improve work-life for individuals and organizations by seamlessly integrating well-being and high performance.

Ellariina Rautio

Ellariina Rautio

Emotional Skills Trainer, MSc (Phil)

Ellariina is an expert in communication and emotional skills trainer. Ellariina has a broad range of communication and teaching abilities, as well as a strong passion for developing interpersonal skills within work communities. Her strength lies in creating inclusive and trustworthy atmospheres.

Read more on the topic:

Our other trainings



Wellbeing and resilience

Work Community Training



Workplace Skills

Work Community Training



Self-leadership and resilience

Work Community Training



Face the challenges of working life

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Modern leadership training

Leadership training



Enhance dynamics of leadership teams

Leadership training



Individual emotional skills and work ability

Individual training



Wellbeing and resilience

Work Community Training



Workplace Skills

Work Community Training



Self-leadership and resilience

Work Community Training



Face the challenges of working life

Leadership training



Modern leadership training

Leadership training



Enhance dynamics of leadership teams

Leadership training



Individual emotional skills and work ability

Individual training

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