Have you lost your sparkle?

What happened to the joy and excitement you once had at work?

Work is a great source of pleasure for many. Through work, you can develop, express yourself, be part of the society, and gain financial resources and safety.

But many ambitious people enter a time in their life when they start to question their choices. When life is full of work, meetings, emails, all waking hours, day after day, for years in a row, pleasure and purpose may start to fade and new questions can arise.

Maybe you recognise yourself in some of the following statements:
✅ I just can’t get excited about the work that I was so excited about earlier.
✅ Everything is basically well in my life, yet I don’t feel so good.
✅ I shouldn’t feel like this, I’ve reached so many goals and been successful in so many areas.
✅ I have started to question the choices I’ve made in my life.

If you recognise yourself from these sentences, you are probably facing an existential crisis. And you’re not alone. Today, after the pandemic and intense political tensions ongoing, millions of people around the world are wondering what to do next with their work and life.

This kind of a crisis can be painful. But it can also be a unique chance to grow, get re-energized, and find your true passion for life and work like never before!

If you want to learn more, please join me in free “Finding your sparkle” – webinar. In this webinar, you’ll learn some theory behind this type of crisis and how it can be worked with. You’ll hear experiences and outcomes from the first “Finding your sparkle” – coaching group. And you’ll learn about possibilities of joining a group in the future.

When: October 6th, 4.30-5.30 pm (GMT +3)
Register here: https://lnkd.in/dCcCxq5T

P.S. Pidän saman webinaarin myös suomeksi
Ajankohta: 6.10. klo 15.00-16.15
Rekisteröidy suomenkieliseen webinaariin tästä: https://lnkd.in/dZiDZdik


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